Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Gematria how to calculate


gematria is a form of Jewish mysticism that interprets words or phrases according to their numerical value. It is based on the fact that the Hebrew alphabet has numerical equivalents for each letter, so that by assigning the proper numerical value to each word or phrase, it can be translated into a single number. This number can then be interpreted according to various principles in order to gain deeper spiritual insight into the text.

The calculation of Gematria is quite simple. To begin, you must first identify the numerical equivalent of each letter in a given word or phrase. In Hebrew, each letter has its own numerical value which can easily be looked up online. Once you have identified the numerical values of each letter, add them all together and you have your overall Gematria total for the word or phrase.

Once you have determined your Gematria total, you can then interpret its symbolism according to established principles or through personal interpretation. For example, a Gematria total of 3 might represent something deep and mysterious whilst one with 6 might represent luck or balance. Additionally, if more than one word makes up a phrase then its total will combine the values of those words and represent things beyond the individual meanings of its parts.

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